Fedora at Notacon 5 – Cleveland, OH

March 21, 2008

Fedora has arranged to have a booth at the soon upcoming Notacon 5 in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. The event is held April 4th through the 6th and is described as “The Midwest’s most unique hacker con and demo party rolled into one!”

Notacon 5

Fedora will be present on Saturday, April 5th, so if you are anywhere near the Cleveland area be sure to drop by con and check out the Fedora booth. Registration for Notacon closes this Sunday.

RHCE Certified

March 15, 2008

I sat the RHCE exam as part of the RH300 class yesterday and passed! This was my first time taking the RHCE and it was a very good experience.

For all of those that I kept replying in emails or in IRC that “I’m in training this week” you should see me being a little more responsive to emails and such as I get back into the more normal swing of things.

Ohio Blizzard Fun

March 8, 2008

Central Ohio is finally having the second real snow I have seen since I have been back, about six years now.  Yes, I know, all the New England folks would just call this another day – for us they call it a blizzard.  I think we are around 10″ to 14″ of snow and out here in the country a wind that makes drifting a real problem.

Late yesterday afternoon I had the call from my wife that she had slid off into the ditch about three minutes from the house – just as the FAmSCo meeting was starting.  I excused myself from that meeting and I gathered up some shovels and rope and threw them in the back of the Jeep and headed out.  I half thought by the time I got there someone would have pulled her out already.  Sure enough, just as I was getting close I saw her car creeping down the road.  No one was hurt and the car seems to be in fine shape.  She did remember the first rule of driving in snow and ice – never go faster than you want to hit something should you slide off the road.

Apparently a person in a truck had stopped before I could get there to pull her out while another person in a truck stopped traffic while they pulled the car out.  That is one of the nice things about living in the county!  Lot’s of nice people with 4×4 trucks that know how to use them.

Just got back in today from seeing how the Jeep would do in the large drifts in the driveway.  Then cleared the drive with the snowblower after proving the Jeep could indeed make it through.  Warmed up with some hot chocolate and now time for some more studying.